Position Overview
Executive Procurement Manager is an executive role focused on sourcing, procurement, and supply management for an enterprise. We need an experienced Executive Procurement Manager to manage the company’s supply of products and services. Executive Procurement Manager responsibilities include strategizing to find cost-effective deals and suppliers. The Executive Procurement Manager’s work is to discover the best ways to minimise procurement expenses, which means the company can invest in growth and people. Executive Procurement Manager is usually the executive of a corporation who takes care of the management, administration, and supervision of the company's acquisition programs. They are the one in the company who is in charge of the contracting services and manages the purchase of supplies, equipment, and materials. It is their job to source goods and services and to negotiate prices and contracts.
Academic Qualification
Professional Experience
Professional Certification
Roles and Responsibilities
Salary ranges depending on the experience. Typically, the average salary for an Executive Procurement Manager in India is around Rs.10 lakhs to Rs.15 lakhs annually.
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