One of Australia’s oldest cities, Launceston is a city in the northern part of the Tasmania state in the country. It has the second highest population in the state after the capital Hobart and was the first city in the nation to use hydroelectricity for lighting. The city has an oceanic temperate climate having four distinct seasons. Some of the attractions in this area are City Park, Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Cataract George Reserve and Tamar Islands Wetlands Centre.
Established in 1890, the University of Tasmania(UTAS) is Australia’s fourth oldest university. It is a sandstone university and a member of The Association of Commonwealth Universities and The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning. The university was ranked in the Top 10 research universities in the country. It has also worked in partnership with industry, non-Governmental organizations and individuals to devise local solutions that can be implemented globally. Faculties for this course are experienced professionals from academics and industry who use the modern technological tools available to make learning a pleasure to the students.
The Master of Logistics (Advanced) course offered by this university is available in full time mode of 2 years and part time mode of maximum 5 years (available only to local candidates). This program in logistics management is a
Business Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Strategic Procurement Management, Value Chain Innovation, Port Management and Strategy and International Trade.
The classes for this course will be conducted at the below venue
University of Tasmania - Launceston campus
Newnham Drive
Newnham, Launceston TASMANIA 7250
Candidates interested in pursuing this course and looking for more details like admission requirements and procedures, course fees, full list of subjects taught, accommodation options etc. can look up the link
This course provides a broad focus on logistics and is suitable for students with future employment or current professional experience in private enterprise, industry or government, involved in demand and production planning, the transport industry, retail companies, logistics service provider companies, port authorities, the safe and efficient distribution of goods, agribusiness, security and international humanitarian logistics.