The Supply Chain Story: Pick-To-Light

The Supply Chain Story Pick-To-Light
  • April 21, 2023

Rishi Kapoor was curious to learn more about the pick-to-light system that was being used in the warehouse. He had heard from the pickers that it made their job easier and more efficient, but he wanted to understand how it worked and how it benefited the organization as a whole.

He was introduced to the warehouse incharge, Mr. Sharma, who had been working in the logistics industry for over 20 years. Mr. Sharma was happy to explain the pick-to-light system to Rishi and walked him through the warehouse to demonstrate how it worked.

The pick-to-light system involved the use of small lights located on the shelves, which would illuminate when an order had been received. The pickers would then locate the items on the shelf and confirm that they had selected the correct products by pressing a button next to the light. The system would then move on to the next item, and the process would continue until all the items had been selected.

Rishi was impressed by the speed and accuracy with which the pickers were able to complete their tasks. He asked Mr. Sharma how the system benefited the organization, and he explained that it reduced the chances of errors and helped increase the speed of order fulfillment. This, in turn, helped the organization meet its targets and keep its customers satisfied.

Mr. Sharma also explained that the pick-to-light system had a positive impact on the pickers themselves. It made their job easier and more efficient, reducing the physical strain that often came with walking up and down the aisles of the warehouse to locate items. It also allowed them to focus more on their work and avoid distractions, leading to increased productivity.

Rishi was amazed by the impact that the pick-to-light system had on the warehouse's operations. He could see how it had become an essential tool for the pickers and had revolutionized the way they worked.

As the interview came to a close, Rishi thanked Mr. Sharma for his time and for explaining the pick-to-light system to him. He left the warehouse with a newfound appreciation for the innovative technologies being used in the logistics and supply chain industry. He knew that these advancements were critical in driving efficiency and keeping organizations competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.

This series is brought to you by Fhyzics Business Consultants, a leader in supply chain consulting, training, and certifications. For more information, please visit or email us at or speak to us at 900-304-9000.

Supply Chain & Procurement Programs from Fhyzics:
Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
Certified in Planning and Inventory Management (CPIM)
Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD)
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Certified Professional in Sourcing Excellence (CPSE)
Certificate in Supply and Operations, CIPS Level-2
Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations, CIPS Level-3
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