
Alexa Project - Business Analysis Techniques


The purpose of this article is to provide guidelines to the Business Analysis Techniques Project in Alexa.

Business Analysis aspirants can quickly learn about business analysis techniques from the Alexa devices through voice commands. Whenever the Alexa Skill is invoked, Alexa will explain two business analysis techniques.

Project Purpose
For over 15 years, Venkadesh Narayanan has been consulting and teaching business analysis in institutions across India and corporates across the globe. Through this project Fhyzics is creating a free resource for the ready reference of Business Analysis aspirants and practitioners in an easy to access format using the Alexa devices.

Project Name
As part of the project, please recommend the name of the skill as well.

What Needs to Be Done?
The participating students shall prepare an explanation of each business analysis technique in about 50 words from the below List of Business Analysis Techniques. You can divide the following business analysis techniques among yourself and start preparing the explanation in 50 words. Let us ensure that there is no typo or grammatical errors. Since we are using just 50 words to describe a technique, let us make it as a power packed in terms of content delivery.

Here is a Sample [Output needed from the participating students]
Technique – SWOT Analysis
SWOT is the acronym of strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization and opportunities and threats are external to the organization. SWOT is a tool to organize and analyze the information from internal and external environments, while making major decisions such as new market, new product, acquisitions etc.

Important Dates
Last Date for the Submission of Techniques: 26-Sep-2020
Date of Publishing as Alexa Skill: 30-Sep-2020
Available as Alexa Skill across the Globe: 10-Oct-2020
Issue of Certificates: 17-Oct-2020

Sample Alexa Project
Alexa Skill: Inventory Beta
Link: https://amzn.eu/7AuaYLI
Enable this skill in your Alexa device.
Once enabled say, "Alexa, open inventory beta" to start using this skill.

All the participating students will get credit in the Alexa Skill as a contributor.

All the participants will also receive a certificate from Fhyzics Business Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Indicating their contribution in building this Alexa Skill Project for Business Analysis Techniques.

The technique snippets shall be submitted to pc@fhyzics.net as and when it is ready for review and finalization.

List of Business Analysis Techniques
1. 5 Why's
2. 5S
3. A3 problem solving
4. Abstraction
5. Acceptance and evaluation criteria
6. Activity sampling
7. Adizes corporate life cycle
8. ADL matrix
9. Analogy
10. Andon
12. Ansoff's matrix
13. RACI matrix
14. Axiomatic design
15. Background research
16. Backlog management
17. Baker's 4 strategies of influence
18. Balanced scorecard
19. BCG matrix
20. Benchmarking and market analysis
21. Benefit-cost-analysis
22. Benefits management
23. Blue ocean strategy
24. Bottleneck analysis
25. Bowman's strategy clock
26. Brainstorming
27. Build-Measure-Learn Feedback Loop
28. Business Activity Model
29. Business Capability Analysis
30. Business Case
31. Business Model Canvas
32. Business Process Mapping
33. Business Rules Analysis
34. CAGE Distance Framework
36. Cause and Effect Diagram
37. Class Modelling
38. Collaborative Games
39. Concept Modelling
40. Crosby's 14 Steps for Improvement
41. Conscious Competence Model
42. Context Diagram
43. Continuous Flow
44. Control Chart
45. Core Competencies Analysis
46. Critical Success Factors
47. CRUD Matrix
48. CTQ Tree
49. Cultural Analysis
50. Customer Experience Mapping
51. Data Dictionary
52. Data Flow Diagrams
53. Data Mining
54. Data Modelling
55. Decision Analysis
56. Decision Modelling
57. Deming's Five Diseases of Management
58. Design of Experiements
59. Divide and Conquer
62. Document Analysis
63. Entity Relationship Diagram
64. EPRG Model
65. Estimation
66. Feasibility Analysis
67. Financial Analysis
68. Focus Groups
69. Force-Field Analysis
70. Four-View Model
71. Functional Decomposition
72. Gap Analysis
73. Garvin's 8 Dimensions of Quality
74. Gemba
75. GE-McKinsey Matrix
76. Glossary
77. Greiner Curve
78. Hedgehog Concept
79. Heijunka
80. Heptalysis
81. Histogram
82. Hive Mind
83. Hoshin Kanri
84. Hoshin Planning System
85. Hothousing
86. House of Quality
87. Impact Analysis
88. Innovation Circle
89. Interface Analysis
90. Interviews
91. Intuition
92. Item Tracking
93. Jidoka
94. Joint Application Development Workshops
95. Just-In-Time
96. Kaizen
97. Kanban
98. Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism
99. Kay's Distinctive Capabilities Framework
100. Keller's Brand Equity Model
101. Kolb Cycle
102. Kotler and Keller's Five Product Levels
103. KPIs
104. Kraljic Portfolio Purchasing Model
105. Kurt Lewin's Model
106. Lateral Thinking
107. Lessons Learned
108. Mckinsey;s 3 Horizons of Growth
109. McKinsey's 7-S
110. McKinsey's Seven Degrees of Freedom for Growth
111. Means-Ends Analysis
112. Methods of Focal Objects
113. Metrics
114. Miles and Snows Organisational Strategies
115. Mind Mapping
116. Mintzberg 5Ps of Strategy
117. Morphological Analysis
118. MoSCoW Prioritization
119. Muda
120. Mullins Seven Domains Model
121. Net Promoter Score
122. Non-Functional Requirements Analysis
123. Observation
124. OGSM Frameworks
125. Ohmae’s 3C Model
126. OODA
127. Organisational Modelling
128. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
129. P/I Grid
130. Pareto Chart
131. PDCA
132. PESTLE Analysis
133. Poka-Yoke
134. POOGI
135. Porter’s Five Forces Framework
136. Principled Negotiation
137. Process Analysis
138. Process Modelling
139. Product Diffusion Curve
140. Product-Process Matrix
141. Prototyping
142. Pyramid of Purpose
143. RATER Model
144. Reduction
145. Regression Analysis
146. Requirements Traceability Matrix
147. Requirements Validation
148. Research
149. Resource Audit
150. Reviews
151. RFM Segmentation
152. Rich Picture
153. Risk Analysis and Management
154. Roles and Permissions Matrix
155. Rolled Throughput Yield
156. Root Cause Analysis
157. RPR Problem Diagnosis
158. SARAH Model
159. Scatter Diagram
160. Scenario Analysis
161. Scope Modelling
162. Sequence Diagrams
163. Simonson and Rosen’s Incluence Mix
164. Single-Minute Exchange of Dies
165. SIPOC Analysis
166. Six Big Losses
167. Six Thinking Hats
168. SMART Goals, SOAR Analysis
169. Stakeholder List, Map or Personas

Written by Malathi Dileepan

Malathi Dileepan is a B.Tech. in Information Technology and has been working as Manager [Certifications and Consulting] since 2012. She has led several business analysis projects and has tremendous knowledge in all the 20+ certifications offered by Fhyzics.

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