How Customers Buy…And Why They Don’t: Mapping and Managing the Buying Journey DNA

Written by Bharath Ravi | Jul 22, 2020 5:33:08 AM

Martyn R. Lewis makes the compelling argument that instead of focusing on their own internal view of how to position and sell their offerings, companies must look to the external reality of how their customers actually buy.

Essentially blowing away the threadbare notion that customers buy because of the value they see in an offering, Lewis unveils a profound new business model that rests on his pioneering concept of Outside-In Revenue Generation.

He shows that vendors are too often trying to solve the wrong problem because time and time again, customers actually do “get it”, they understand the offering and truly believe in its value, and yet they still hesitate or fail to buy.

From his transformational decoding of the Buying Journey DNA through to the robustly practical Market Engagement Strategy, Lewis shows that for those whose success and livelihood depends upon positive revenue generation, the only rational course of action is to map, manage and positively influence the end-to-end Customer Buying Journey.

Results-based from over twenty years of research with hundreds of companies and thousands of interviews, How Customers Buy…& Why They Don’t is a guide for success in today’s interconnected business world. This book presents a comprehensive and very readable introduction to a bold new approach to business development.

  • Learn the secrets of how customers buy, and more importantly why they don’t
  • Discover the logic and formulae for success in today’s business world
  • Acquire strategies and techniques - all eminently practical and immediately implementable

How Customers Buy…And Why They Don’t: Mapping and Managing the Buying Journey DNA| Martyn R. Lewis (Author)| Radius Book Group


Table of Contents

Prologue: A Revelation

Chapter 1. From the Outside-In
Chapter 2. Three Generations of Customer Creation

Part 1 Mapping the Customer Buying Journey
Chapter 3. The DNA of the Customer Buying Journey
Chapter 4. DNA.1 Triggers
Chapter 5. DNA.2 Steps
Chapter 6. DNA.3 Key Players
Chapter 7. DNA.4 Buying Style
Chapter 9. DNA.6 Buying Concerns
Chapter 10. Case Study 1: DiaNascent: A Buyer’s Tale
Chapter 12. Case Study 2: CCHN: Does the Glove Fit?
Chapter 13. CCHN Case Study Analysis

Part 2. Developing the Market Engagement Strategy
Chapter 14. What to Do about It
Chapter 15. Crafting the Market Engagement Strategy (MES)
Chapter 16. Goal 1. Harmonizing to the Buying Style
Chapter 17. Goal 2. Into the Customer Buying Journey: Trigger or Engage?
Chapter 18. Goal 3. Ensuring Adequate Motivation
Chapter 19. Goal 4. Staying Engaged and Ensuring Positive Progress
Chapter 20. Goal 5. Overcoming Friction in the Customer Buying Journey
Chapter 21. Engaging the Market with Orion Technologies

Part 3 Managing the Customer Buying Journey
Chapter 22. Translating Strategy into Application
Chapter 23. Outside-In Marketing
Chapter 24. Outside-In Selling
Chapter 25. The Outside-In Revenue Generation System

Epilogue How Customers Buy…and Why They Don’t