Top Ten Facts on Business Analysis Techniques – Parametric Estimation

Written by Venkadesh Narayanan | Apr 21, 2023 6:04:38 AM

Explanation: Parametric estimation is a technique used in project management and other fields to estimate project parameters based on statistical analysis of historical data or other relevant factors. Here are the top 10 facts about parametric estimation: 

Expert Opinion: The Delphi Method relies on expert opinion and judgment to estimate project parameters such as effort, duration, or cost. Experts can be internal or external stakeholders with relevant knowledge and experience in the project domain.  

Anonymity: The Delphi Method ensures anonymity of the experts providing estimates. Experts submit their estimates independently without knowing the identity of other experts, which minimizes biases and influences from group dynamics.  

Iterative Process: The Delphi Method involves multiple rounds of estimations and feedback. Experts provide their initial estimates, and the facilitator summarizes and shares the results with the experts. Experts then revise their estimates based on the feedback received, and the process continues until a consensus or convergence is reached. 

Click here to download the presentation on Top Ten Facts on Business Analysis Techniques - Delphi Method.

Scalability: Parametric estimation can be used for projects of varying sizes and complexities. The models can be scaled up or down based on the project requirements and available data.  

Speed and Efficiency: Parametric estimation can be a relatively quick and efficient estimation technique, as it leverages existing data and models. This can save time and effort compared to other estimation methods that require data collection or expert opinions from scratch. 

Consistency: Parametric estimation promotes consistency in estimation, as it uses established mathematical models and data analysis techniques. This can help in achieving more consistent and standardized estimates across different projects or teams. 

Sensitivity Analysis: Parametric estimation allows for sensitivity analysis, which involves assessing the impact of changes in input factors on the estimated outcome. This can help in understanding the sensitivity of the estimates to different factors and making informed decisions.  

Accuracy: Parametric estimation can result in accurate estimates when based on reliable and relevant data. However, the accuracy of the estimates depends on the quality and reliability of the data used and the appropriateness of the mathematical models employed.  

Assumptions: Parametric estimation relies on certain assumptions, such as the validity of historical data, the relevance of factors used in the models, and the stability of the relationship between parameters and factors. It's important to consider these assumptions and assess their applicability to the specific project being estimated.  

Expert Judgment: While parametric estimation is data-driven, it may still require expert judgment in selecting the appropriate models, interpreting the results, and making adjustments based on project-specific factors. Expert judgment plays a crucial role in the accuracy and reliability of parametric estimates.  

In conclusion, parametric estimation is a data-driven approach that uses statistical analysis and mathematical models to estimate project parameters. It offers speed, efficiency, consistency, and scalability, but requires careful consideration of data quality, assumptions, and expert judgment. 

Fhyzics Business Consultants specializes in business analysis consulting, training and certification. For more details please speak to our business consultant at +91-7200439865 or email at 

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