Visual Strategy: Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

Written by Bharath Ravi | Aug 6, 2020 6:27:09 AM

Strategic planning becomes visual with strategy maps and the tools, techniques, and guidance for turning them into effective action.

Developed as a companion workbook to John Bryson's best-selling Strategic Planning in Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Visual Strategy: A Workbook for Strategy Mapping in Public and Nonprofit Organizations, goes beyond making the case for good and effective strategic planning to making strategy visual through effective strategy mapping. Strategy mapping prevents groups of people from talking over one another and going around in circles. It helps people speak and be heard, produce lots of ideas and understand how they fit together, make use of causal reasoning, and clarify ultimately what they want to do in terms of mission, goals, strategies, and actions. Strategy mapping can join process and content in such a way that good ideas worth implementing are found and the agreements and comments needed to implement them are reached. The result is living strategic plans that act as useful guides to action.

With detailed examples, actual strategy maps, process guidelines and hand-drawn illustrations, the book will help leaders, managers, students and other professionals see patterns across mission, goals, strategies and actions while helping to identify areas of alignment and misalignment and determine, real time, where elements are needed, missing or not useful in a strategic plan.

For leaders and managers of public and nonprofit organizations, facilitators and consultants, professors and students of strategic planning, strategic management, strategic mapping, and public policy, professional development workshops focused on strategic planning and strategy mapping.

Visual Strategy: Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations| John M. Bryson (Author), Fran Ackermann (Author), Colin Eden (Author)| Jossey-Bass


Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction to Strategy Mapping
“What Is Strategic Planning?”, “What Is Strategy?”, “What Is Strategy Mapping?”, An Example of a Strategy Map, The Logic Structure of a Strategy Map, The Benefits of Strategy Mapping, Summary.

Part 2: The Loft Literary Center’s Experience with Strategy Mapping
“What Is The Loft?”, Getting Going with Strategic Planning Using Strategy Mapping as a Technique, Holding the First Half-Day Workshop, Holding the Second Half-Day Workshop, Summary.

Part 3: Doing Strategy Mapping (ViSM)
Visual Strategy: Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations| John M. Bryson (Author), Fran Ackermann (Author), Colin Eden (Author)| Jossey-BassStep One: “What Do We Have to Change to Create Strategic Success?”, Step Two: “Why Change the World?”, Step Three: Making Sense of Your Map, Step Four: Translating the Map into a Strategy Statement, Summary of the Guidelines.

Part 4: Facilitating Strategy-Mapping Workshops
Visual Strategy: Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations| John M. Bryson (Author), Fran Ackermann (Author), Colin Eden (Author)| Jossey-BassPractice Makes Perfect, Getting Started, Preparation, Environment, and Kit, The Workshop Itself, After the Workshop, Summary of Facilitation Hints.

Resource A: Comparing Visual Strategy Mapping with Other Mapping Methods
Visual Strategy: Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations| John M. Bryson (Author), Fran Ackermann (Author), Colin Eden (Author)| Jossey-BassLogic Models, Forward Mapping, and Backward Mapping, Theory of Change, Systems Thinking and Mapping, Balanced Scorecard Strategy Maps, Outcome Mapping, Concept Mapping, Mind Mapping, Mapping Techniques Emphasizing Temporal, Not Causal, Ordering.

Resource B: Mapping Kit

Resource C: Software Support
A Note on the History of Software Development.

Resource D: Supplemental Reading and Other Resources

