Innovation: Why What and How

Written by Venkadesh Narayanan | Jul 25, 2020 5:37:39 AM

Whenever we are able to create new insights and go beyond the boundaries of the existing knowledge base, we enter the realm of innovation. The book Innovation, Why, What and How, contains practical tools of innovation and the innovation development process. It builds on a high degree of practical learning which has been consolidated over a period of one and a half decades in the process of analysing and synthesising the innovation development processes. The Innovation Tools and Levers are a result of experiential learning and insights gathered during the author's work across industrial boundaries. These experiential insights have been synthesised in this book in the form of new tools, processes, competency and models of Innovation. It is not an amalgamation of innovation thought patterns captured from multiple sources and integrated into a book.

Innovation: Why What and How | Vitasta | Rolf-Christian Wentz

Innovation: Why What and How | Vitasta | Rolf-Christian Wentz


Table of Contents

Chapter 1:  Innovation – the Big Disruptor 
Whirlpool Reinvents Itself, IBM Transforms Itself Into a Champion of Big Emerging Ideas,  Innovate for survival, The Need for Fast Innovation, Invention is not Innovation and is not Serial Innovation, Conflicts and the Need for Balance, Deficiencies and Areas of Improvement, The World´s Most Innovative Companies, The Innovation Management System, Structure of this Book

Chapter 2: The Innovation Mix
Surprise Attack by Brise One Touch, The Sony Transistor Radio, New Business Modell: Zara “Cheap Chic – Fast Fashion”, Incremental Innovations or Radical Innovations?, Disruptive Innovations, Product Innovation or Business Model Innovation?

Chapter 3: The Starting Point: Vision, Objectives, Strategy
The Transformation of P&G Into a Serial Innovator, Microsoft: Successful Entry in Game Consoles, Why We Need a Vision, Innovation Objectives, Innovation Arena Strategy, Platform Strategy, Market Entry Strategy,

Chapter 4: Creating an Innovation Culture is Key
Innovation Culture à la Google, Excuse me: General Electric?, Structure vs. Chaos, Innovation-Conducive Values and Behavioural Norms, “Walk the Talk, Culture Clash: Routine vs. Innovation

Chapter 5: Innovation Process: the Task Master 
Innovation Machine Toyota: Nothing is Impossible, Common Objectives of Innovation Processes, The Basic Stage-Gate Process, Amendments to the Stage-Gate Process, The Milestone Process: Assumptions and Learnings, Decisions in the Innovation Process, Learning from failures

Chapter 6: Idea Generation and Idea Evaluation
The Birth of Crest Whitestrips, P&G vs. SC Johnson in the Duster Market, Big Ideas Are Needed, Existing Ideas vs. Original Ideas, Existing Ideas vs. Original Ideas, Sources of Existing Ideas, 6.7 The Creation of Original Ideas

Evaluation of Innovation Ideas

Chapter 7: And What Is the Reaction of the Customers? 
Customer Obsession at Amazon, The “Sweet Spot” of Drano Power Gel, Unearthing Customer Insights, Total Quality in Market Research, Five Principles of Practical Market Research

Chapter 8: Value Maximization in the Innovation Cycle
Apple´s Rebirth: the iPod, iPhone, iPad, “Big Idea” Brise One Touch, When Is the Innovation “in the Market”?, Power Marketing During the Innovation Cycle, Sense of Urgency

Chapter 9: The Innovation Portfolio: Are We on the Right Track?Can Pfizer Prevent the Sales Decline?, The Innovation Portfolio Requires Management,  Objectives and Tools of the Innovation Portfolio Management, The Portfolio Review Meeting, A Pragmatic Approach

Chapter 10: Structure and Systems for Managing Innovations
The Innovation Fountain 3M, The IBM-Sony-Toshiba “Cell” Team, Formal Structure, Innovation Teams, Organizing for Incremental vs. Radical Innovations, Resource Allocation, Motivation & Reward, Systems