Project Management in New Product Development 

Written by Venkadesh Narayanan | Aug 1, 2020 5:03:22 AM

Project Management in Product Development: Leadership Skills and Management Techniques to Deliver Great Products is written for new and aspiring project managers in product development. Although texts on project management are common, the material presented here is unique, instead focusing on product development, a challenging segment of project management because of the high level of uncertainty, the need for a robust set of problem-solving techniques, and a demand for broad cross-functional teams.

Project Management in New Product Development: George Ellis


Table of Contents

Part I. The Fundamentals
Chapter 1: Introduction
The Project: Flexibility, Communication, and Accountability, Project Management and Leadership, Product Development Projects, Why Organizations Need PMs, Do You Want to Be a PM?, Project Stakeholders

Chapter 2: The Critical Path Method: Planning Phase
Engineering Process Flow Charts, Critical Path Project Management: Process Overview, When you need help

Chapter 3: The Critical Path Method: Execution Phase
Working Alone and with One or Two Team Members, Leading Team Meetings, Representing the Team at Staff Reviews, Finishing the Project

Part II. Leadership Skills and Management Methods
Chapter 4: Total Leadership for Project Managers

What Is Leadership?, Motivation and Inspiration, The Total Leadership Matrix, Leadership in Project Management, The Intersection of Transaction and Transformation, Communication Tools, Team Dispersion, Recommended Reading

Chapter 5: Phase–Gate: Extending the Critical Path Method
Overview of Phase–Gate Project Management, Creating a WBS for a Phase, Dealing with Schedule Issues, CPM Key Measures of Effectiveness (without Phase–Gate)

Chapter 6: Critical Chain Project Management
An Overview of Critical Chain Project Management, The Theory of Constraints, Building a Critical Chain Project Plan, Execution and Human Behavior that Delay Projects, Tracking Progress with the Fever Chart, Full Kitting, CCPM for Project Portfolios, How Well Does CCPM Work?, Challenges to Adopting/Sustaining CCPM, CCPM Key Measures of Effectiveness

Chapter 7: Lean Product Development
An Introduction to Lean Thinking, Lean Product Development, Seven Lean Techniques for Product Development, Comparing LPD to Other Project Management Methods, LPD Key Measures of Effectiveness

Chapter 8: Agile Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Scrumban
Introduction to Agile, Agile Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Scrumban, Barriers to Adoption of Scrum, Agile Key Measures of Effectiveness