Reverse Innovation in Health Care: How to Make Value-Based Delivery Work Care

Written by Venkadesh Narayanan | Aug 1, 2020 10:01:50 AM

Health-Care Solutions from a Distant Shore. Health care in the United States and other nations is on a collision course with patient needs and economic reality. For more than a decade, leading thinkers, including Michael Porter and Clayton Christensen, have argued passionately for value-based health-care reform: Replacing delivery based on volume and fee-for-service with competition based on value, as measured by patient outcomes per dollars spent.
Though still a pipe dream here in the United States, this kind of value-based competition is already a reality in India. Facing a giant population of poor, underserved people and a severe shortage of skills and capacity, some resourceful private enterprises have found a way to deliver high-quality health care, at ultra-less prices, to all patients who need it. This book shows how the innovations developed by these Indian exemplars are already being practiced by some far-sighted US providers reversing the typical flow of innovation in the world.
Govindarajan and Ramamurti, experts in the phenomenon of reverse innovation, reveal four pathways being used by health-care organizations in the United States to apply Indian-style principles to attack the exorbitant costs, uneven quality and incomplete access to health care. With rich stories and detailed accounts of medical professionals who are putting these ideas into practice, this book shows how value-based delivery can be made to work in the United States. This "bottom-up" change doesn't require a grand plan out of Washington, DC, agreement between entrenched political parties or coordination among all players in the health-care system. It needs entrepreneurs with innovative ideas about delivering value to patients. Reverse innovation has worked in other industries. We need it now in health care.

Reverse Innovation in Health Care: How to Make Value-Based Delivery Work Care | Vijay Govindarajan | Ravi Ramamurti



Table of Contents

Part 1 Health-Care Solutions from a Distant Shore: Value-Based Competition in India
An Unhealthy Problem Meets an Unlikely Solution, Breakthrough Business Model of Indian Exemplars: How Value-Based Competition Works, Value-Based Competition in Action: Narayana Health

Part 2 Reverse Innovation in Health-Care Delivery: Four New Models for the United States
Disrupting Us Costs: Health City Cayman Islands, Expanding Rural Access: University of Mississippi Medical Center, Expanding Access for the Uninsured: Ascension Health Improving Quality Iora Health, Promoting Reverse Innovation and Value-Based Health