
Contemporary Logistics

Written by IISCM | May 30, 2020 7:36:07 AM

A market-leading text, Contemporary Logistics explores modern logistics from a managerial perspective. These are characterised by geopolitical tensions in parts of the world, steadily increasing trade, supply chain vulnerabilities caused by severe natural disasters, and an unabated pace of technological advancement. In it, readers see theory come to life through timely, practical, and eciting coverage of logistics fundamentals, and challenges and opportunities for logistics managers in today's dynamic global landscape. This edition provides the most up-to-date insights and perspectives sourced from reviewers, adopters, and other stakeholders.

Contemporary Logistics | Paul R. Murphy (Author), A. Michael Knemeyer (Author) | Pearson Education

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• A solid foundation in the basics of logistics, through the focus on the fundamentals in the book's succinct and thorough coverage, introduces students to the subject, while still covering supply chain management issues.
• Fresh insights and perspectives provided by reviewers, adopters, and others coupled with the expertise of new coauthor A. Michael Knemeyer keeps the text fresh and up-to-date.
• Up-to-date coverage of pressing global issues is achieved through the authors' chapter revisions, new examples, current references, and addition of new content throughout, including the potential logistics and supply chain implications of the United Kingdom's decision (Breit) to leave the European Union.
• Important concepts are clarified through revisions to and updating of the tables and figures containing country and industry data.
• A modified list of Key Terms features in this edition, and each key term is defined in the Glossary. New Key Terms include 3D printing, fulfillment centre, Internet of things (IoT), supply chain finance, and velocity sorting, among others.
• Opportunity to take studying further, with the help of the revised end-of-chapter Suggested Readings (over % of which have been published since), help students to continue their studies beyond the book.
• Tables provide the most current figures, examples include Table - The Cost of the Business Logistics System in Relation to a Country's Gross Domestic Product and Table - Infrastructure Statistics in Several Countries.

Contemporary Logistics

Table of Contents
Part I: An Overview of Logistics
An Overview of Logistics, Logistics and Information Technology, Strategic and Financial Logistics, Organizational and Managerial Issues in Logistics

Part II: Supply Chain Management
The Supply Chain Management Concept, Procurement

Part III: Elements of Logistics Systems
Demand Management, Ordered Management, and Customer Service, Inventory Management, Facility Location, Warehousing Management, Packaging and Materials Handling, Transportation, Transportation Management, International Logistics