Procurement Terminology – E-Sourcing

Written by IISCM | Aug 9, 2023 12:16:48 PM


In the digital age, procurement processes are undergoing a transformative shift, powered by innovative technologies. Among these, "E-Sourcing" stands out as a game-changing concept that redefines how organizations procure goods and services. E-Sourcing refers to the digitalization of the procurement process, leveraging online platforms to efficiently source suppliers, negotiate contracts, and achieve cost savings.

Exploring E-Sourcing in Procurement:

E-Sourcing involves the use of online platforms and tools to facilitate various stages of the procurement lifecycle, from identifying potential suppliers to finalizing contracts. By moving procurement processes to digital platforms, organizations gain the advantage of enhanced transparency, improved collaboration, and increased efficiency.


1. Supplier Discovery: E-Sourcing platforms enable organizations to identify and evaluate potential suppliers across the globe. For instance, a retail company looking to source textiles can use E-Sourcing to identify suppliers with the required quality standards and price points.

2. RFx Processes: E-Sourcing streamlines the Request for Information (RFI), Request for Proposal (RFP), and Request for Quotation (RFQ) processes. These platforms enable automated document distribution, response collection, and evaluation, significantly reducing the time and effort required.

Case Studies:

1. Procter & Gamble (P&G): P&G adopted E-Sourcing to improve its procurement processes across its global operations. The company utilized digital platforms to manage supplier bids, negotiate contracts, and ensure compliance with procurement policies. This approach led to cost savings and enhanced supplier collaboration.

2. IBM: IBM implemented an E-Sourcing solution to standardize its procurement processes and increase visibility into supplier relationships. The platform facilitated real-time bidding, resulting in improved negotiation outcomes and a more efficient procurement cycle.

Benefits of E-Sourcing:

1. Cost Savings: E-Sourcing platforms enable organizations to compare supplier offers and negotiate better deals, leading to significant cost savings over time.

2. Efficiency: The streamlined process reduces the time required for supplier selection, negotiation, and contract finalization.

3. Transparency: E-Sourcing provides clear visibility into the entire procurement process, ensuring fairness and compliance.


E-Sourcing is at the forefront of transforming traditional procurement practices into efficient, technology-driven processes. By leveraging digital platforms to source suppliers, negotiate contracts, and enhance collaboration, organizations can achieve cost savings, improve efficiency, and drive better procurement decisions. Industry leaders like P&G and IBM have demonstrated how E-Sourcing can revolutionize procurement operations, making them more agile and effective in today's competitive business landscape. As organizations continue to embrace digitalization, E-Sourcing will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of procurement.