Procurement Terminology – Target Cost Analysis

Written by IISCM | Aug 31, 2023 6:40:37 AM

In the realm of procurement, the term "Target Cost Analysis" stands as a strategic approach that guides the determination of ideal costs for goods or services. This method goes beyond accepting supplier prices at face value, aiming to set a target cost that aligns with an organization's financial goals while fostering collaboration with suppliers to achieve mutual cost efficiencies.

Concept and Significance:

Target Cost Analysis involves setting a predetermined cost target for a product or service based on an organization's financial objectives, market conditions, and desired profit margins. This target is then used as a benchmark during supplier negotiations. Rather than attempting to lower supplier prices arbitrarily, this approach encourages collaborative discussions to identify opportunities for cost savings while maintaining quality standards.

Examples and Case Studies:

Manufacturing Industry: Consider an electronics manufacturer aiming to introduce a new product. By conducting a target cost analysis, the company determines the ideal cost that aligns with its profit margins and market expectations. Armed with this target, the manufacturer engages suppliers in a dialogue to explore cost-effective materials, efficient production processes, and shared cost-saving strategies.

Healthcare Sector: In healthcare procurement, a hospital might undertake target cost analysis for medical equipment. By setting a cost goal based on their budget constraints and patient care needs, the hospital can work with suppliers to identify cost-effective options without compromising patient safety.

Retail Supply Chains: Retailers often perform target cost analysis for private-label products. By setting a target cost that ensures competitive pricing and acceptable profit margins, they collaborate with suppliers to find the right balance between quality and affordability.


1. Strategic Cost Control: Target cost analysis empowers organizations to have a clear cost goal, preventing overruns and promoting disciplined financial management.

2. Collaborative Supplier Relationships: Suppliers become partners in achieving cost targets, fostering collaboration, innovation, and shared success.

3. Informed Decision-Making: Organizations can make well-informed procurement decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the cost landscape.

4. Value Enhancement: The approach encourages exploration of cost-effective alternatives and continuous improvement, resulting in enhanced value for both the organization and its customers.


In the dynamic landscape of procurement, target cost analysis emerges as a strategic tool that aligns cost management with organizational objectives. By setting predetermined cost targets and engaging in collaborative discussions with suppliers, organizations can achieve cost efficiencies while maintaining the quality and integrity of their products and services. This approach transcends the conventional procurement practices, contributing to strategic decision-making, sustainable growth, and the cultivation of strong supplier relationships.