The purpose of these crosswords is to help the aspirants of Certified Inventory Optimization Professional (CIOP) and Certified Strategic Procurement Professional (CSPP) to master the keywords of supply chain management and procurement. Each crossword will contain about 20 keywords in total from IMBoK and SPBoK. Welcome to fun with learning!
Mastering these Supply Chain and Procurement keywords will also help in the preparation towards the following certifications as well.
Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP) of ASCM, USA
Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) of ASCM, USA
Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD) of ASCM, USA
Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations (Level 2) of CIPS, UK
Advanced Certificate in Procurement and Supply (Level 3) of CIPS, UK
Diploma in Procurement and Supply (Level 4) of CIPS, UK
Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply (Level 5) of CIPS, UK
Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply (Level 6) of CIPS, UK.
You can also download the crossword in pdf. The solutions for the across and down are available in the below sections.
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Across Solutions
1. Cartel - Suppliers collaborate to make more profit, but it is unfair.
4. Forecast - I bet you are always wrong on this. But when you perfect this you are an oracle.
5. Insurance - A tool for risk management but you end up carrying it.
6. Dunnage - Packaging material used to protect the product during transportation.
7. Embezzlement - A fraud committed by an insider.
10. FIFO - Acronym of an inventory valuation and movement method.
12. Blockchain - A technology of keeping immutable records expected to revolutionise supply chain.
13. Inventory - The blood of supply chains.
15. Pareto -This principle states most of the effects come out of few sources.
17. CONWIP -A pull methodology that limits the amount of work-in-process inventory
Down Solutions
1. Component -You do not add much value on this in your manufacturing process.
2. TCO - An acronym of a cost term associated with capital buying.
3. Decoupling - This inventory disconnects the rate of use from the rate of supply.
6. Drayage - Movement of goods over short distance.
8. Bullwhip - This is a dangerous effect to suppliers.
9. Kraljic - This matrix helps you to classify your suppliers.
11. Takt - This time helps you to match with customer demand.
14. EOQ - Acronym of Sqrt(2AS/Ci)
16. TOC - Dr. Eliahu Goldratt is known for this.
18. Geofencing -A virtual perimeter in a physical world to monitor movement of inventory.