A3 problem solving is the structured problem solving and continuous improvement process. It provides a simple and strict procedure that guides problem solving by workers.
In order for any business to be successful, they must strive to improve the quality and efficiency as well as build a problem solving culture. The A3 problem solving was first used by Toyota and it gained the popularity in the industry. The companies started to view the problem as a opportunities for improvement. The A3 problem solving technique allow the entire problem identification, clarification, analysis, and solution steps to be documented. The term A3 is derived from a particular size of paper used to outline the ideas, plans, and goals throughout the process. It is used for several common type of work such as solving problems, reporting project status, and proposing policy changes where policy means rules agreed upon and enforced by the group. The A3 process allow the group of people to actively collaborate on the goal and strategy of the project.
A3 problem solving is a step based thinking process technique. The focus of A3 problem solving is to develop a consistent perspective that can be adapted across the entire organization. It is more important for all the involved parties to be dedicated to the process and communicate actively. There are three major roles in the A3 process. They are,
- Owner - The owner is responsible for managing the process and maintaining the document. The owner needs to be advised and supervised by a mentor, who is experienced in problem solving
- Res-ponders - They are the third party which is directly interested by the results of the A3 process.
- Mentor - This roles is used to give the directions and provoke the problem owner to find the solution.
The A3 problem solving process is based upon the PDCA method. The PDCA process is based on,
- Plan
- Do
- Check
- Act
- A3 Problem Solving - https://www.ashnha.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/A3-Problem-Solving-Oct-2018.pdf
- Guide to A3 Problem Solving - https://results.wa.gov/sites/default/files/The%20A3%20Approach%20to%20Problem%20Solving.pdf
- A3 Problem Solving Technique - http://cuyahoga.qualitycampus.com/guides/com_000_02007.pdf
- Steps in Problem Solving - https://beckmenu.dk/7-steps-problem-solving-pdf
- A3 Problem Solving: Fight the Root Cause - https://kanbanize.com/lean-management/improvement/a3-problem-solving
- Introduction to A3 Problem Solving - https://www.processexcellencenetwork.com/lean-six-sigma-business-performance/columns/the-a3-problem-solving-way-an-introduction
- A3 process and Problem Solving - https://www.planview.com/resources/articles/a3-process-problem-solving/
- A3 Problem Solving Report - https://www.rcpath.org/profession/patient-safety-and-quality-improvement/patient-safety-resources/a3-problem-solving-tools/published-high-quality-a3-problem-solving-reports.html
- A3 Problem Solving Steps - https://www.processexcellencenetwork.com/lean-six-sigma-business-performance/columns/the-seven-a3-problem-solving-steps-in-detail
- A3 Problem Solving with Technology - https://leanconstructionblog.com/Enhancing-A3-Problem-Solving-with-Technology.html
- Overview of Problem Solving - https://beckmenu.dk/7-steps-problem-solving-pdf
A3 problem solving is composed of the following 7 steps shown below,
- Background - In this step, make the business case for selecting a particular problem for resolution. Upon the selection, clearly state how the problem impacts the business objectives around customers, processes, and new products etc.
- Problem Statement - It details the specifics of the problem. It include the magnitude of the problem, where and when the problem occurred, and the problems impact on the business.
- Goal Statement - In this step, state what we are trying to accomplish by initiating the A3 problem solving technique. Map out what goals we are trying to achieve and set a time frame for completing these goals.
- Root Cause Analysis - Carry out the root cause analysis to determine the most basic reason for the problem. At the end, the problem is fully defined and understood.
- Counter Measures - It will help to reach the objective in solving the problem. Draw up the detailed plan that will outline who will deploy the counter measures and when this deployment will be completed.
- Effect Confirmation - After completing the counter measures, look at the results of the problem solving technique. Determine whether the results indicate that the counter measure were effective in meeting the objective.
- Follow up Action - After achieving the results, deploy the infrastructure for sustaining the gains such as audits, reviews, and standardization.

Some of the books for A3 problem solving techniques are,
- A3 Problem Solving | Jamie Flingbaugh | https://www.amazon.com/A3-Problem-Solving-Applying-Thinking-ebook/dp/B007A6VC04/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=A3+problem+solving+books&qid=1593170750&sr=8-2
- A3 Problem : PDCA Management System | Durward K. Sobek | https://www.amazon.com/Understanding-A3-Thinking-Component-Management/dp/1563273608/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=A3+problem+solving+books&qid=1593170835&sr=8-4
- A3 Structured Problem Solving | Rolf Thorsten | https://www.amazon.com/A3-structured-problem-continuous-improvement-ebook/dp/B07BBVZFHQ/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=A3+problem+solving+books&qid=1593170835&sr=8-10