
Procurement Terminology – Devolved Structure



In the realm of procurement, the term "devolved structure" signifies a strategic framework where procurement authority and decision-making are distributed across various departments or units within an organization. This model decentralizes procurement functions, enabling individual teams to manage their sourcing needs while maintaining coordination and control at a higher level.

Concept of Devolved Structure in Procurement::

A devolved procurement structure involves delegating procurement responsibilities to multiple departments or divisions within an organization. Each unit is granted a degree of autonomy in making procurement decisions that align with their unique requirements, while overarching policies and guidelines ensure consistency, compliance, and efficient resource allocation.


Consider a large healthcare organization with various departments like administration, patient care, and research. Adopting a devolved procurement structure would empower each department to manage their own procurement needs based on specific requirements. While the administration department might focus on office supplies, the patient care department could prioritize medical equipment procurement.

In the education sector, a university might adopt a devolved procurement approach, allowing individual faculties or departments to handle their own procurement based on academic and research needs. This structure ensures that academic units can efficiently acquire materials and equipment tailored to their specialized fields.

Case Studies:

1. Unilever: Unilever, a global consumer goods company, implemented a devolved procurement structure to increase agility and responsiveness. By allowing individual business units to handle their procurement needs, Unilever was able to adapt quickly to market changes and tailor sourcing strategies to specific product lines.

2. British National Health Service (NHS): The NHS in the United Kingdom adopted a devolved procurement structure to accommodate the diverse needs of its various hospitals and healthcare facilities. This approach allows individual hospitals to manage their procurement processes, ensuring timely access to the supplies required for patient care.


The devolved procurement structure offers organizations the flexibility to tailor their procurement approach to diverse operational needs while maintaining central oversight and control. This model empowers individual units to make informed decisions aligned with their specific requirements, streamlining procurement processes and enhancing efficiency. However, successful implementation requires a clear framework of policies, communication channels, and collaboration tools to ensure that the overall procurement strategy is coherent, compliant, and optimized. In an era where customization and specialization are valued, the devolved procurement structure stands as a valuable approach to achieving procurement efficiency and organizational success.

Tags: SCM, Supply Chain

Written by IISCM

Integrated Institute of Supply Chain Management, a unit of Fhyzics Business Consultants Private Limited specialising in supply chain management consulting and education. IISCM trains and certifies SCM professionals in procurement, supply chain management, inventory, and warehousing.

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