
CLTD Progress Report


Module 1: Logistics Overview and Strategy
Section A: Logistics Fundamentals
1. Topic 1: Logistics History, Definitions, and Scope
2. Topic 2: Total Cost Concept and Tradeoffs
3. Topic 3: Principles, Components, and Drivers of Logistics
Section B: The Role, Value, and Cost of Logistics
4. Topic 1: Supply Chain Management and the Role of Logistics
5. Topic 2: The Value of Logistics Management
6. Topic 3: Logistics Costing
Section C: Logistics strategy within the supply chain
7. Topic 1: Goals and Objectives
8. Topic 2: Value Propositions and Cost and Service Optimization
9. Topic 3: Contracting and Budgeting
10. Topic 4: Segmentation
11. Topic 5: Product Life Cycles
Section D: Logistics Framework
12. Topic 1: Organizational Design and SC Synchronization
13. Topic 2: Logistics Relationships
14. Topic 3: Strategic Risk Management
15. Topic 4: Talent Acquisition and Management
Section E: Strategic Performance Management
16. Topic 1: Performance Management
17. Topic 2: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
18. Topic 3: SCOR Model
19. Topic 4: Financial Performance Metrics and Benchmarking
Section F: Reengineering and Continuous Improvement
20. Topic 1: Reengineering
21. Topic 2: Continuous Improvement

Module 2: Logistics Network Design
Section A: Facilities Planning and Network Design
22. Topic 1: Designing or Redesigning a Logistics Network
23. Topic 2: Methods for Entering Global Markets
24. Topic 3: Transportation Requirements and Network Size
25. Topic 4: Facility Location Decisions and Determining Facility Type
26. Topic 5: Modeling Approaches
27. Topic 6: Network Design Performance Validation
Section B: Risk Management
28. Topic 1: Logistics Risks and the Risk Management Process
29. Topic 2: International Security Measures
30. Topic 3: Business Continuity Planning
31. Topic 4: Insurance

Module 3: Sustainability and Reverse Logistics
Section A: Sustainability
32. Topic 1: Logistics Social Responsibility Considerations
33. Topic 2: Sustainability in the Supply Chain
Section B: Reverse Logistics
34. Topic 1: Reverse Logistics and Handling Returns
35. Topic 2: Reverse Logistics Activities
36. Topic 3: Closed Loop Supply Chains and Optimizing Reverse Logistics

Module 4: Capacity Planning and Demand Management
Section A: Forecasting
37. Topic 1: Forecasting Process and Methods
38. Topic 2: Interpreting Forecasts
39. Topic 3: Logistics Demand Forecasting
Section B: Demand Management And Capacity Planning
40. Topic 1: Introduction to and Components of Demand Management
41. Topic 2: Demand Management Process
42. Topic 3: Logistics Demand Shaping
43. Topic 4: Transportation and Capacity Planning
Section C: Sales and Operations planning (S&OP)
44. Topic 1: Sales and Operations Planning
45. Topic 2: Demand Management Process
Section D: Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP)
46. Topic 1: DRP Basics and Inventory Planning
47. Topic 2: LRRP and LCP
48. Topic 3: DRP Process, Logic, and Ordering Policies
Section E: Master Scheduling and Material Requirements Planning
49. Topic 1: Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP)
50. Topic 2: Master Scheduling
51. Topic 3: Material Requirements Planning
Section F: Sourcing and Procurement
52. Topic 1: Purchasing Strategy
53. Topic 2: Procurement Process
54. Topic 3: Contracts and Supplier Performance Management

Module 5: Order Management - CLTD23ALAMAH, CLTD23BHASUD
Section A: Customer Relationship Management
55. Topic 1: What Is CRM?
56. Topic 2: Implementing the CRM Process
57. Topic 3: Customer Segmentation and Management
Section B: Order Management Process
58. Topic 1: Inbound Order Management and Intracompany Orders
59. Topic 2: Outbound Order Management
60. Topic 3: Order Channels and Order Fulfillment Channels

Module 6: Inventory Management
Section A: Inventory Management in Logistics
61. Topic 1: Role of Inventory 
62. Topic 2: Functions of Inventory 
63. Topic 3: Inventory Costs
Section B: Inventory Control, Strategy, and Policy
64. Topic 1: Determining When and How Much to Order
65. Topic 2: Managing Exceptions, Anomalies, Constraints, and Conditions of Uncertainty
66. Topic 3: ABC Analysis of Inventory
67. Topic 4: Transaction Management, Inventory Review, and Inventory Auditing
68. Topic 5: Inventory Performance Metrics

Module 7: Warehouse Management  - CLTD23ALAMAH, CLTD23BHASUD
Section A: Warehouse Strategy and Tactics
69. Topic 1: Warehouse Strategy 
70. Topic 2: Warehouse Ownership Types 
71. Topic 3: Warehouse Functions and Specialized Services 
72. Topic 4: Warehouse Documentation and Performance Management 
Section B: Warehouse Processes
73. Topic 1: Receiving 
74. Topic 2: Storage
75. Topic 3: Picking
76. Topic 4: Sorting/Packing and Value-Added Services
77. Topic 5: Replenishment and Dispatch
Section C: Warehouse Layout
78. Topic 1: Warehouse Design Principles and Process
79. Topic 2: Facility Size
80. Topic 3: Types of Layouts
81. Topic 4: Optimizing Space and Capacity
Section D: Materials Handling and Warehouse Automation
82. Topic 1: Materials Handling and Conveyors
83. Topic 2: Picking Systems
84. Topic 3: Handling Systems
85. Topic 4: Storage Systems
86. Topic 5: Slotting Strategy
87. Topic 6: Health, Safety, and Security
88. Topic 7: Warehouse Systems and Automation
Section E: Packaging
89. Topic 1: Product and Packaging Fundamentals
90. Topic 2: Unitization and Unit Loads

Module 8: Transportation  - CLTD23ALAMAH, CLTD23BHASUD
Section A: Transportation Fundamentals
91. Topic 1: Transportation and Transportation Cost Structure
92. Topic 2: Transportation Stakeholders, Capabilities, and Intermediaries
93. Topic 3: Carrier Types
94. Topic 4: Modes of Transportation and Selection Considerations
Section B: Road Transportation
95. Topic 1: Road Infrastructure
96. Topic 2: Road Vehicle and Trailer Types
97. Topic 3: Road Freight Classifications
98. Topic 4: Road Market Structure and Operating/Service Characteristics
99. Topic 5: Road Issues and Challenges
Section C: Rail Transportation
100. Topic 1: Rail History and Infrastructure
101. Topic 2: Types of Carriers and Railcars
102. Topic 3: Rail Market Structure and Operating/Service Characteristics
103. Topic 4: Rail Issues and Challenges
Section D: Air Transport
104. Topic 1: Air Infrastructure and Types of Carriers and Containers
105. Topic 2: Air Market Structure and Sales Strategy
106. Topic 3: Air Operating/Service Characteristics
107. Topic 4: Air Issues and Challenges
Section E: Ocean and Inland Waterway Transportation
108. Topic 1: Water Transport Infrastructure and Classifications
109. Topic 2: Water Vessel Types
110. Topic 3: Water Market Structure and Operating/Service Characteristics
111. Topic 4: Water Issues and Challenges
Section F: Intermodal and Other Transportation Modes
112. Topic 1: Intermodal and Multimodal Transportation
113. Topic 2: Parcel, Courier, and Express Services
114. Topic 3: Pipeline Transportation
Section G: Transportation Management
115. Topic 1: Transportation Management, Network Design, and Mode Selection
116. Topic 2: Carrier Negotiations and Selection
117. Topic 3: Fleet Management and Optimization
118. Topic 4: Rate Structures
Section H: Transportation Administration
119. Topic 1: Transportation Documentation
120. Topic 2: Tracking, Expediting, Tracing, and Consolidating and Related Metrics
121. Topic 3: Routing, Transportation Costs, and Freight Settlement

Module 9: Global Logistics Considerations
Section A: Infrastructure and Systems
122. Topic 1: Macroenvironmental Factors Influencing International Logistics
123. Topic 2: International Infrastructure
124. Topic 3: Global Logistics Performance Management
Section B: Regulations
125. Topic 1: International Trade
126. Topic 2: International Transportation Regulations
127. Topic 3: Transportation Safety and Import/Export Regulations
Section C: Customs Clearing and Documentation
128. Topic 1: Import/Export Process and Invoices
129. Topic 2: Import Documentation
130. Topic 3: Export Documentation
131. Topic 4: International Transportation Documents
132. Topic 5: Customs Clearance
Section D: Finance And Payment Options/Currency And Tax Considerations
133. Topic 1: Terms of Sale and Methods of Payment
134. Topic 2: Currency and Tax Considerations

Enrolment No.

Topics Completed

Topics Count

% of Completion


32-36, 37-54, 61, 62, 69-90, 55-60,91-121 83 61.94%
CLTD23BHASUD  28, 32-36, 37-54, 55-60, 62, 69-90, 91-121, 61, 29-31 87 64.92%
CLTD24SANMAN  32-36, 37-54 23 17.16%

*Red colored topic numbers indicate the sessions missed by the students.

Written by Venkadesh Narayanan

Venkadesh is a Mechanical Engineer and an MBA with 30 years of experience in the domains of supply chain management, business analysis, new product development, business plan and standard operating procedures. He is currently working as Principal Consultant at Fhyzics Business Consultants. He is also serving as President, PDMA-India (an Indian affiliate of PDMA, USA) and Recognised Instructor of APICS, USA and CIPS, UK. He is a former member of Indian Civil Services (IRAS). Fhyzics offers consulting, certification, and executive development programs in the domains of supply chain management, business analysis and new product development.

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