Harvard Business Essentials: Guide to Managing Creativity and Innovation | Harvard Business
Table of Content
Chapter 1: Types of Innovation
Incremental and Radical Innovation, Factors That Favor Incremental Innovation, Innovations in Processes, Service Innovations
Chapter 2: The S-Curve
The S-Curve Explained, Three Lessons, Where Do You Stand on the S-Curve?, Limits to These Lessons
Chapter 3: Idea Generation
New Knowledge, Tapping the Ideas of Customers, Learning from Lead Users, Empathetic Design, Invention Factories and Skunkworks, Open Market Innovation, The Role of Mental Preparation, How Management Can Encourage Idea Generation, Two Idea-Generating Techniques
Chapter 4: Recognizing Opportunities
A Method for Opportunity Recognition, Rough-Cut Business Evaluation
Chapter 5: Moving Innovation to Market
The Idea Funnel, Stage-Gate Systems, A Caution on Funnels and Stage-Gate Systems, Financial Issues, Extending Innovation Through Platforms,
Chapter 6: Creativity and Creative Groups
Myths About Creativity, Three Components of Individual Creativity, Characteristics of Creative Groups, Handling Conflict in Groups, Time Pressure and Creativity, Time Pressure and Creativity
Chapter 7: Enhancing Creativity
Organizational Enrichment, Enriching the Physical Workplace
Chapter 8: What Leaders Must Do
Develop an Innovation-Friendly Culture, Establish Strategic Direction, Be Involved with Innovation, Be Open but Skeptical, Improve the Idea-to-Commercialization Process, Apply Portfolio Thinking, Put People with the Right Stuff in Charge, Create an Ambidextrous Organization