
Supply Chain Keywords

Supply Chain Management  [49500]
Supply Chain  [12100]
Logistic Management  [5400]
Supply Chain Management Is  [5400]

What is Supply Chain?

Here is a simple definition to understand supply chain.
Supply Chain can be defined as the network of people, processes and systems working together to store, transport and transform raw materials and deliver the finished goods to the customers.

Supply Chain Model

A basic supply chain model consists of three entities and four flows. The three entities are the physical supply system, manufacturing network, and physical distribution system. The four flows are product flow, cash flow, reverse product flow, and information flow.

Supply Chain – Three Perspectives

We can better understand, analyse and improve the supply chains through the three perspectives of a supply chain. The three perspectives are internal supply chain, broader

CIOP Deliverables Statement

The purpose of this Deliverables Statement is to guarantee the following to the participants of the Certified Inventory Optimization Professionals (CIOP) program by Integrated Institute of Supply Chain Management (IISCM), a unit of Fhyzics Business Consultants Private Limited.


CIOP Kindle Setup Instructions

As part of your enrolment for the Certified Inventory Optimization Professional (CIOP), you will receive the Introduction to Materials Management by Chapman and Arnold eBook as the reference materials. Attending the training, mastering this book, and reviewing the Learning Management System is a must to succeed in this examination. Here is the step-by-step instruction to receive your eBook.


Global Inventory Challenge 2020

Global Inventory Challenge 2020 is the first edition of inventory competition from Integrated Institute of Supply Chain Management (IISCM). We invite supply chain professionals and students to participate in this unique competition. The details of the competition are available in the below sections. You can also download and print the poster and display it at your organisation’s or institution’s notice board for the benefit of your colleagues and students.

In: Inventory

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