
Commercial Data Management [L6M7]©


Module Purpose
On completion of this module, learners will be able to assess the concept of big data and evaluate the impact of data integrity and cyber security on the procurement and supply function.

Module Aim
Until recently big data was seen as a technical issue that had to be addressed; however, organisations now view it as a business opportunity that can significantly contribute to competitive advantage and are now exploiting big data in all of its forms to discover facts that they did not know before. Given this propensity for data and the associated gathering and storage activity, supply chain cyber security is now a key requirement. This module is designed for procurement and supply leaders who require a clear knowledge of the concept of big data and of the impact of data integrity and cyber security

CIPS Level-4 Certification and Training or Course-0032

Certified Inventory Optimization Professional
CIOP is a global supply chain management and inventory management certification program exclusively developed for corporations to optimize the inventory in their supply chain. CIOP teaches the global best practices in 30 modules over 90 hours of live, faculty-led, online training. It is founded on Inventory Management Body of Knowledge (IMBoK) version 3.0. CIOP is a comprehensive program includes training, reference material, Learning Management and Assessment System (LMAS), examination and certificate.

The LMAS contains classroom presentations, classroom notes, video lessons, audio lessons, quizzes, reference materials, terminologies and articles recommended by faculty.

The CIOP Examination is 3 hours, online, proctored examination with 180 multiple-choice questions. The participant needs to secure 70% of the maximum score (360 marks) to pass in the examination.

You can learn more about the CIOP certification in the below links:
CIOP Website: https://pages.fhyzics.net/ciop 
Faculty Profile: https://pages.fhyzics.net/principal-consultant

Click here to request quote for the CIOP certification program.

CIPS Level-4 Certification and Training or Course-0033

Fhyzics Business Consultants is an Approved Study Centre of Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS), UK and offering all the modules under Level-2, Level-3, Level-4, Level-5, and Level-6. During this current COVID-19 pandemic, the classes are offered in distance and self-study modes. For more questions related to our CIPS programs, please speak to our Manager-Certifications at +91-900-304-9000 or email at certifications@fhyzics.net.

Online, Instructor-Led Training Program on Commercial Data Management [L6M7] Module of Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply, CIPS, UK

CIPS Level-4 Certification and Training or Course-0034

Mode of Delivery: Online
Mode of Teaching: Using the Presentation Deck from CIPS, UK
Duration: 3 Hours
Faculty: Venkadesh Narayanan, CIPS Recognized Instructor
Reference Material: L6M7 Study Guide
Level-6: Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply

CIPS Level-4 Certification and Training or Course-0035

CIPS Level-4 Certification and Training or Course-0036

Commercial Data Management [L6M7] - LEARNING OUTCOMES

1.0 Understand the concept of big data in the global supply chain
1.1 Evaluate the term big data and the historic rise of its importance to the procurement and supply function
• Transit from technical problem to business opportunity:
• Increasing data volumes
• Scalability crisis
• Data storage capacity increases
• CPU capacity, speed and intelligence
• Falling cost of IT
• The 3Vs
• Volume
• Velocity
• Variety
1.2 Evaluate the need for big data and the diversity of data sources and types
• Require large volumes of highly detailed data
• Use of Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics
• Driving agility and innovation with big data
• Sources of data:
• Sensors
• Devices
• Third parties
• Web applications
• Social media
• Types of data:
• Real time vs. delayed
• Unstructured (text and human language) vs. semi structured (XML, RSS feeds etc.)
• Audio, video, other devices
• Multi vs. single dimension
• Streaming data

2.0 Understand data integrity and its impact on procurement and supply
2.1 Evaluate the requirement for integrity and confidentiality of data
• Data integrity vs. data security
• Legal aspects such as:
• The UK Data Protection Act
• General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (GDPR)
• EU Data Protection Directive
• Responsible data handling
• Non-disclosure agreements (NDA)
• Intellectual property rights (IPR)
• Information assurance and risk management for individuals and organisations
• Physical integrity vs. logical integrity
2.2 Assess the implications of data disruption on the organisation
• Data-enabled business models
• Data resilience strategies
• Disruption tolerance networks
• System redundancy
2.3 Evaluate international laws and standards which govern data integrity and security
• International laws such as:
• UK Data Protection Act
• Data Privacy Day (Council of Europe)
• International standards such as:
• ISO/PAS 28000:2007 (Supply Chain Standards)
• ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO/IEC 27002:2013 (Manage and protect information)
• The Trusted Computing Group
• The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

3.0 Understand the impact of cyber security on procurement and supply
3.1 Evaluate the term cyber security and its implications
• Data security vs. data integrity
• Supply Chain Cyber Security (SCCS)
• Drivers for SCCS such as:
• Cyber-terrorism
• Malware
• Data theft and the advanced persistent threat (APT)
• Illegal access and changes to data
• Vulnerabilities in software applications and networks discovered and exploited by malicious hackers
• Counterfeit computer hardware
• Typical activities for minimising SCCS risks such as:
• Buying only from trusted vendors
• Disconnecting critical machines from outside networks
• Educating users on the threats and protective measures they can take
3.2 Assess data security technologies and their usage in the supply chain
• Create completely secure system using a combination of software and hardware-based security
• Software solutions:
• Encrypt data to protect it from theft
• Hacker could corrupt the data in order to make it unrecoverable, making the system unusable
• Hardware solutions:
• Can prevent read and write access to data and offer very strong protection against tampering and unauthorised access
• Protects the operating system image and file system privileges from being tampered
• Use strict and secure system administration policies:
• Backups
• Data masking
• Data erasure

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Written by Venkadesh Narayanan

Venkadesh is a Mechanical Engineer and an MBA with 30 years of experience in the domains of supply chain management, business analysis, new product development, business plan and standard operating procedures. He is currently working as Principal Consultant at Fhyzics Business Consultants. He is also serving as President, PDMA-India (an Indian affiliate of PDMA, USA) and Recognised Instructor of APICS, USA and CIPS, UK. He is a former member of Indian Civil Services (IRAS). Fhyzics offers consulting, certification, and executive development programs in the domains of supply chain management, business analysis and new product development.

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