
Venkadesh Narayanan

Venkadesh is a Mechanical Engineer and an MBA with 30 years of experience in the domains of supply chain management, business analysis, new product development, business plan and standard operating procedures. He is currently working as Principal Consultant at Fhyzics Business Consultants. He is also serving as President, PDMA-India (an Indian affiliate of PDMA, USA) and Recognised Instructor of APICS, USA and CIPS, UK. He is a former member of Indian Civil Services (IRAS). Fhyzics offers consulting, certification, and executive development programs in the domains of supply chain management, business analysis and new product development.

Low-Cost, Low-Tech Innovation: New Product Development in the Food Industry

Like much of SMEs research, innovation studies of small enterprises have commenced later and are less numerous.

Leveraging Constraints for Innovation

This PDMA Essentials Book, the third in this series, provides a framework of individual, organizational, and market and societal constraints that guides managers in identifying specific constraints related to their innovation activities and provides them with corresponding tools and practices to overcome and leverage those constraints. 

Lean-Driven Innovation

In 2005, Goodyear’s research and development (R&D) engine was not performing up to its full potential. The R&D organization developed high-quality tires, but the projects were not always successful. Goodyear embarked on a major initiative to transform its innovation

Knowledge Perspectives of New Product Development: A Comparative Approach

New Product Development (NPD) is about the ideation, formulation, and implementation of new and superior solutions in the market. Beyond the obvious need

Innovation: A Frugal and Flexible Approach to Innovation 21st Century 

Jugaad is a word often heard in general conversation in India. Whether to find ingenious solutions to problems or turn adversity into opportunity Indians swear by it.

Intellectual Property Branding in the Developing World: A New Approach to Non-Technological Innovations 

Intellectual Property Branding in the Developing World: A New Approach to Non-Technological Innovations 

Inspired: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love

How do today’s most successful tech companies—Amazon, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Tesla—design, develop, and deploy the products that have earned

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